GTS News January 2021
“My Favorite Christmas Memory” by Steve Lillis – Every year from the time I can remember perhaps starting at about 5 years old back in the mid 1950’s, my sister Kris and I on Christmas morning would come down the stairs of our house to the living room where floodlights and a movie camera would blind our eyes as we approached the Christmas tree loaded with toys and gifts neatly wrapped. Christmas was a big deal in our house especially coming from a German background and having the financial means at the time to make it big and special. One Christmas morning when I was 10 years old something very special and different took place. As I approached the Christmas tree with my sister Kris and with the floodlights glaring, I realized that I had very few gifts and my sister Kris had many. I began to wonder what was going on! Then after agonizingly watching my sister Kris open with great delight all her many Christmas gifts, my parents instructed me to go downstairs to our basement. I was met at the bottom of the basement steps with, you guessed it, floodlights as my father snuck downstairs in the basement with the movie camera to capture the expression on my face as my eyes lay on a brand-new beautiful pool table with bright green felt and shiny new pool balls. Mom served breakfast and lunch that Christmas Day in the basement as I began a love affair with the game of pool. And the rest is history! Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill to all!
Steve Lillis health update and family news – Steve fell down stairs in Paterson, NJ on August 27, 2020 and broke his right hip which required a full right hip replacement and his left wrist which was in a cast for 8 weeks. Physical therapy is still going on and progressing. Steve and Camille moved back home on December 1stafter three months of living on the campus of the Hawthorne Gospel Church to facilitate recovery because they live on a 3rdfloor attic apartment in Haledon, NJ near the City of Paterson. The timing for the fall and recovery couldn’t be better as Steve has been busier than ever doing online ministry not only with GTS but also for his home church the Hawthorne Gospel Church. Daughter Amanda is now 4 months pregnant and plans are underway to move Steve and wife Camille (Grandpa and Grandma) to a new home being built in West Milford, NJ on the property of Amanda and Son-in-law Tim who works as a missionary at the Shiloh Bible Camp also in West Milford. We have an amazing God who truly works all things together for good!
Month of December 2020 in Review – In early December, Tom “Dr. Cue” Rossman and Pastor Mike Hewitt went to play in a tournament near where they both live in Indianapolis, IN. Steve Lillis was able to go on live in the chat and comment while Tom announced one of Mike’s tournament matches which was posted live on the GTS RACK Room live Facebook page. We had 1,900 people tune in live with a focus on Jesus as Tom and Steve were able to encourage the people. Next up in December, a testimony article written by Steve Lillis was published in the largest online billiard publication in the world called in a column by former GTS board member Roger Long entitled “Sharing the Light” and another Gospel Trick Shot of the month by Steve Lillis was featured in the “Billiards Buzz” Magazine all on That Gospel Trick Shot of the month column in the “Billiard Buzz” Magazine has been featured every month since November of 2019. For the links to all of the above please look below in our categorical library of listings under “Take a Break in the GTS RACK Room Today.”
Year 2020 in Review – With all the bad news that happened in 2020, this has been an amazing year of transition and growth for Gospel Trick Shot Ministries, Inc. We have made some very good changes and adjustments with our GTS Board of Directors along with appointing a new GTS Vice President in Pastor Michael Hewitt who heads up and hosts our GTS RACK ROOM Facebook page. The GTS Board met back in April 2020 in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and by the grace of God has been able to execute plans approved for 2020 which included an online strategy to supplement live outreach. As a result, we have reached many thousands of people around the world with all of our online resources listed below including 150,000 inmates across the USA. In 2021, we hope to launch our billiard cafes in North Africa as we have assembled a North Africa Team of potentially 35 interested people. We hope to return to live prison ministry and all of our other usual venues as well. We now have more GTS RACK Team members to help us in 2021. As 2020 ends please consider a year end gift to GTS before midnight 12/31/20 and above all please keep us in prayer. Go to to give and see more on the ministry! Happy New Year and may God bless 2021!
Full Length Videos From 2020
“Hope” Gospel Trick Shot Video (23 minutes 30 seconds) by Steve Lillis with slow motion on the Gospel Trick Shots.
“Witness Tools” GTS RACK Team Video (8 minutes 20 seconds) by Tom “Dr. Cue” Rossman with encouragement on how to be a witness for Christ with or without billiard equipment.
“Memorial Tribute Video for Curtis Robertson” (34 minutes 44 seconds) by Pastor Michael Hewitt and Tom “Dr. Cue” Rossman featuring the “priceless” cue called the “Witness Cue” that Gospel Trick Shot RACK Team member Curtis Robertson made in 2017.
“Hybrid Missions” Zoom video presentation (68 minutes 40 seconds) on 11/21/20 by Steve Lillis which includes a summary of hybrid 2020 and future projection of what could possibly be done in ministry worldwide.
Steve Lillis new Gospel Trick Shot called “Deception.”
Short Videos in 2020
“Joy” Gospel Trick Shot Video (1 minute 32 seconds) by Steve Lillis with slow motion on the Gospel Trick Shot.
“Wall” Gospel Trick Shot Video (2 minutes 12 seconds) by Steve Lillis with slow motion on the Gospel Trick Shot.
“Deception” Gospel Trick Shot Video (2 minutes 12 seconds) by Steve Lillis with slow motion on the Gospel Trick Shot.
“Closer than a Brother” Gospel Trick Shot Video (2 minutes 2 seconds) by Steve Lillis with slow motion on the Gospel Trick Shot.
Gospel Billiard Songs in 2020
Gospel billiard music video “In Heaven It’s Impossible to Lose” by Mike Massey.
Gospel billiard music video “In Heaven It’s Impossible to Lose” by Mike Massey.
2020 Columns and Articles featured in the largest online billiard publication in the world called
Testimony article by Tom “Dr. Cue” Rossman in Nov 2020 on “Sharing the Light” column.
Testimony article by Steve Lillis in Dec 2020 on “Sharing the Light” column.
Gospel Trick Shot monthly column with the “Gospel Trick Shot of the Month” by Steve Lillis in the “Billiards Buzz” Magazine on running for 14 straight months starting in Nov 2019 throughout the entire year of 2020. This first month November 2019, the Gospel Trick Shot of the month was featured on page 18 of the magazine.
PODCASTS in 2020
Other Gospel Trick Shot and Miscellaneous Videos from 2020
Martin Luther King Jr. – pool video (2 minutes 54 seconds) entitled “MLK: Pool Shark for the People” which inspired a live Gospel Trick Shot Show in Stuart, FL for Black History Month in February 2020 with Steve Lillis and Tom “Dr. Cue” Rossman.
World Champion and BCA Hall of Famer Robin Dodson – FB Live billiard interview and teaching clinic on “Playing the Ghost” with Christian testimony starting at about the 33:30 mark.
“The Lorrie Anderson Story” YouTube video has footage from the national TV show entitled “This is Your Life” from back in 1957. This video features the amazing adventure of Lorrie and her partner traveling into South America risking their lives among indigenous head hunting tribes to share the love of Jesus. Lorrie died this past October 2020 at the age of 97. She has been a fellow missionary and inspirational mentor of Steve Lillis at the Hawthorne Gospel Church for many years where both have been supported by that church.
Other Gospel Trick Shot and Miscellaneous Videos from 2020
***Special Feature*** with ongoing and updated material including the “Q & Cue” cast of animated characters along with special guests and special events hosted by Pastor Michael Hewitt the Vice President of Gospel Trick Shot Ministries, Inc.
Introduction of Characters – The plot of Rack Em’ Up is thickening as each character is introduced. Get a behind the scenes look at what is happening when pool players go to sleep and get some rest….the pool balls begin to come alive!
Introduction of Characters
Sir Eightor
Lady Emerald
Church Announcements
GTS RACK Rooms was Live
Special Announcement
***GTS RACK Room live on Facebook*** with continuous weekly postings available at:
Dear Gospel Trick Shot Friends:
What an amazing year 2020 was for our ministry. Hope you enjoyed the above articles and our categorical list of online resources! Please check our calendar below to pray and review our potential schedule of events. Thank you for your continued prayers and support!
For donations please send your tax deductible check made payable to: GTS, P.O. Box 313, Hawthorne, NJ 07507. For a specific outreach put the name in memo section of the check or PayPal text box.
*** PayPal please go to the home page of our website to donate at or the link directly below at:
Thanks, Steve Lillis, President and Founder
P.S. If you would like to be “removed” from our GTS email list please hit reply.
GTS Calendar 2021
>Winter/Spring 2021 – Continued launching of the worldwide GTS RACK Room vision online with billiard players, instructors, retailers, manufacturers, cue repair, installers, community centers, and billiard rooms with continued worldwide online presence with Zoom meetings, videos, podcasts, and interviews in various multimedia platforms.
>Winter/Spring 2021 – GTS Virtual Prison Ministry launched into AR, ID, ME, MI, and MT with state prison populations of 26,000 inmates monthly viewing material on 10,000 tablets through a unique portal. Expanding to 150,000 inmates in 26 states. >Spring/Summer 2021 (TBD) – Gospel Trick Shot RACK Team Prison Tour working with Prison Fellowship Ministries in NY and OH and the Solid Rock Evangelistic Association in FL with Mike Massey, Tom “Dr. Cue” Rossman, Steve Geller, and Steve Lillis.
>Summer 2021 (TBD) – Melilla, Morocco partnering with the New Life Church in Melilla and the Hawthorne Gospel Church in Hawthorne, NJ and billiard companies to open a billiard cafe in Melilla and launch the BAM (Business As Mission) platform.
>Summer 2021 (TBD) – Tunisia partnering with EME Ministries out of Jonesboro, AR using their platform of BAM (Business As Mission), Education, and the planting of local house churches. Also partnering with nonprofit BWAT (Bright Women’s Association of Today) to help abused and vulnerable women with children.
>GTS World Tour 2021 and beyond (TBD) – invitations from ministries and billiard federations to Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Spain, Portugal, Serbia, Hungary, and Honduras.
Most recent book (2019) “What’s That in Your Hand? God and Pool – The Gospel Trick Shot Story” and the first book (2013) “But You Must! The Steve Lillis Story” are available in paperback and as ebooks at Just type in the words “Gospel Trick Shot” or “Steve Lillis” to order. You can also request an autographed copy by email to! A suggested donation of at least $15 for each book or $25 for both will be shipped postage free in the USA!
Most recent book (2019) “What’s That in Your Hand? God and Pool – The Gospel Trick Shot Story” and the first book (2013) “But You Must! The Steve Lillis Story” are available in paperback and as ebooks at Just type in the words “Gospel Trick Shot” or “Steve Lillis” to order. You can also request an autographed copy by email to! A suggested donation of at least $15 for each book or $25 for both will be shipped postage free in the USA!