Circle BabyBlue


GTSRACKRooms.com Scholarship Program – Education and Travel Allowances

Notes and Guidelines:

> This section presents a format and options for providing scholarship funding to players (mostly juniors) for education purposes and / or travel allowances granted for GTSRACKRooms.com related services at an industry event – includes leading Bible studies, ministry booth help, and other select outreach duties.

> Annual scholarships offered include…but are not limited to…one $1000.00 scholarship for education purposes, plus 4 - $250.00 scholarships for travel allowances – all awarded based on winning essay submission(s) and fulfilling said service responsibilities at an event under GTS oversight.

> Special topic essay submission requests will be announced on GTSRACKRooms.com, as well as industry wide releases via various social mediums – will include submission deadlines, etc.

> Interested players may choose from an assortment of GTSRACKRooms.com essay topics and / or title selections. Suggested topics / titles follow:

  • What does it mean to you to be a “Recreational Ambassador for Christ’s Kingdom”?


  • How has God equipped you to become a “Recreational Ambassador for Christ’s Kingdom” using billiards (in any form) whether “on or off” the table?


  • What does The Game “of” the Heart mean to you, as it relates to billiards and your spiritual journey?

  • What does The Game “in” the Mind mean to you, as it relates to billiards and your spiritual journey?

  • What does The Game “on and off” the Table mean to you, as it relates to billiards and your spiritual journey?

  • Other billiard topic the Holy Spirit leads you to write / pre-approved by a GTS Special Essay Committee

> Essays will be two pages maximum (double spaced) and submitted to the GTS Special Essay Committee by a designated deadline date. This GTS committee will read all submissions and determine winners.

> Essay winner(s) will be announced and honored on GTSRACKRooms.com by placement in a special Honor Roll / Legacy listing section. This listing will include a posting of the essay(s) and scholarship monies awarded and how used. Select readings of winning essays may also be done via spirited video presentations in GTS RACK Rooms session(s) via Facebook, etc.

> GTS accounting files will document all scholarship funding income and scholarship funding paid out to education and travel allowance sources…per accepted GTS accounting practices.

> All contributions for scholarship funding income will be documented in accordance with GTS proper accounting practices, with appropriate receipts provided for any and all scholarship donations.

> All "scholarships" contributors / donors will be listed and honored in a special donor section of GTSRACKRooms.com.